Jeremiah 17:9

By Robin Salvador @vinzsalvador23

Jeremiah 17:9

"The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" (Jeremiah 17:9)

"Follow your heart!" This advise can be so destructive more than you could ever imagine. It had brought so much trouble to the Jews. Their hearts were so far from God that they and their children clamored to worship idolatrous altars and Asherah Poles instead of God. That's where exactly the problem lies, in the human heart. Flawed individuals as we are, most of the time we want and aspire things which in the long run adds to our own misery.

Just because it makes you happy, doesn't mean its the best. Just because it's convenient, doesn't mean it's the good path. Just because it's pleasurable doesn't mean it's right. Just because you want it, doesn't mean it's God's perfect will for you.

There is only one cure to our sin-tainted heart, Jesus Christ. In your career aspirations, relationship goals, and in all of your other pursuits, ask the following questions:

  • Will this lead to my intimacy with the Lord, or merely to my personal interests,
  • Should I pursue this, will my heart be drawn near to His, or to the world?
  • Will I draw the people around me to Jesus?
  • Will this compromise my Christ-likeness?
  • Ultimately, will this bring honor to God?

What's in your heart today? Let God check it. Don't let you default will, plans, and desires overtake you. Lay them down before the Lord in prayer. Carefully consider what the Bible has to say. After all, God only has His best interests for you.

