Jenny's Mouthwash: WTF Commercials

Posted on the 27 January 2012 by A Mused Blog @Amusedblog
In 1994, when I was 10 years old, I participated in a research study.
I was put in a conference room at an ad agency with three other little girls, and shown various commercials. One was for Polly Pocket, another was for Mott's apple juice, and another was for Butterfingers (starring a fairly new character, Bart Simpson).

The other girls and I had to say how the commercials made us feel and if we wanted to purchase the products after seeing them. It was an interesting experience, and I started to pay more attention to commercials in between my favorite shows.
I still watch commercials. But not the flashy, ridiculous ones found on TV today. I love to watch the old ones. I could go on youtube and watch vintage commercials all day long. (And to be honest, I might have actually done that once. I'm sick, please help me).

Back in the 1950s through 1980s, there was something so charming and classy about television commercials. They were so innocent and novel.
And some are just plain weird.
I'm going to share a few of the WTF ones with you.
This first one is for a pain-killer called Anacin from 1965.

Kind of makes you wonder what the "extra" ingredients are, doesn't it?
Here is another one from the same company:

Somebody needs to calm the eff down.
Here is a 1958 Jello commercial which is horribly stereotypical, but I kind of find it adorable. Pleeease don't hate me.

And here is the creepiest commercial I've ever seen:

You just take out the batteries to make it stop laughing. Wait...there are no batteries?!?
What do you think of these commercials?
Jennifer of I Know, Right? Is a monthly writer here on the blog. She is an amazing friend, writer and wonderfully gifted in her frank outlook on the world around her. Be sure to check out her blog!