Jennifer Lawrence Barfed It Up At A Broadway Play
Jennifer Lawrence is an admitted barfer. She has talked many, many, many times about how her stomach has zero loyalty to her mouth and will shoot everything up and out regardless of time or place. According to Page Six, Jennifer’s stomach did her dirty at a Broadway show earlier this week.
Jennifer went to see the play 1984 on Monday night. A source tells Page Six that midway through the show, Jennifer got up and hauled ass out of the theater and into the lobby. While there, Jennifer started heaving. Thankfully, some ushers came to her assistance.
So now is the time when we start guessing what made Jennifer Lawrence redecorate a theater lobby with her vomit. Is she knocked up with Darren Aronofsky’s baby? Did she accidentally think about a pap touching her dog? Was she trying to join in and get sick at 1984 like other audience members have reportedly done? No, none of the above. A source close to Jennifer tells Page Six that she caught the stomach flu from her nephews, and that she’s “really sick.”
Stomach flu always sounds like such an excuse, but I’m willing to believe that’s what happened. Mostly because I never for a second believed she was drunk on theater booze. I mean, have you ever tried to get drunk at the theater? It’s next to impossible. The last time I went to the theater (if you must know, it was Cats) I thought I’d treat myself to a drink. $11 and eleven minutes waiting in line later, I got a drink that came in the same size cup you’re given to rinse with at the dentist. You’d have to take out a small loan if you wanted to get drunk.
Source: Jennifer Lawrence Barfed It Up At A Broadway Play
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