Jaybo explains: ‘Game Lapse is the attempt to respond and communicate between viewer and painter on a common base - the Olympic games - in a very emotional and expressive form, breaking the law of the narrative situation and playing with our primary ideas of movement and time. The quest of this show is to cultivate a kind of improvisation using well-known body parts and geometric shapes and giving them new directions.’
In the most extensive exhibition of Jaybo’s work in London, Game Lapse presents a selection of paintings, drawings and sculptures covering the expanse of the gallery. One floor will feature works on canvas and the other will be filled with drawings; with both housing various sporting antique-themed installations.
Private View Thursday 16th August from 6.30pm - 9.30pm.
August 17th — September 5th
Rook & Raven - 2R Art Ltd. - 7-8 Rathbone Place - London - W1T 1HN.