Jaxon Riley- 11 Month Fun Facts

By Megthamama
- This little buddy loves life! 

Snaggle tooth grass eater. 

- He can now say: 


Perks of living in the country

- He is very much a 'monkey see-monkey do' little kid. 

It's always fun grocery shopping with your main lady.......until you can't see mama anymore.
Then, game over. 

- Loves to "drive" our cars! 


- He will eat anything that lands on his tray....

Mexican Casserole. 

-He still wears size 4 diapers and weights 23 lbs.

- This wild man is all over the place. Sometimes while chasing after him so he doesn't eat dog food, etc. I remind him that he once before laid very still in his swing and I occasionally got in a 30 minute nap. He looks me back square in the eyes and laughs. 

Watching the dishwasher "tv" at Lowe's. 

- Just a little double date with their parents at the local DQ. 

- Some afternoons, you can find me literally strolling the weenie dog around the hood. If I'm doing this, it means that H arrived home while we were walking and Jax pitched a little fit to finish "driving" H to our house. Last time this happened and people drove past me, I couldn't even make eye contact with them. 

- Dear Sweet Jaxon-Next month is your birthday party. You will officially be a year old! You are the biggest accomplishment in my life. You love life hard and BIG! I enjoy watching your personality continue to bloom and your love for me and your dad grow stronger. You enjoy going to school which makes my mornings easier and your element is definitely outside. Please stop growing and stay my baby.