When Jasper comes over

he always wants to lie in my bed.

This is him lying there smiling and comfy.

My heart is not in my art lately. Maybe it is the heat.

Even this detail of the perforated cardboard lacks the bite my work used to have.Maybe when fall rolls around I will have better ideas.
Anyway, we are having the best time at the park. On Saturday everyone was there.Like Baby Lily, Louis, Roxie and Hodges.
Louis is thinking of cool stuff to do.
This is him showing Baby Lily how he can flobble his head.
This is us pretending to have a fight.
Biggie did not join in because he was lying down.
Enzo was tired from running and running.
Mimo and Benny were watching.
When I got home Mum read me a postcard from Knut.
He had gone on vacation to the beach which is a place where there is a lotof sand. One day I will go to the beach too. I do not know when.