Japanese Water Therapy: Know Its Benefits for Glowing Skin

By Elliefrost @adikt_blog

Your body is made up of 75 percent water and your skin, the largest organ, is affected by any drop in water levels. Your skin becomes dry, flaky and lifeless if it doesn't get enough water. Wrinkles and age spots appear more often on dry skin. You need to replenish the water you lose through perspiration and sweating every day to keep your skin hydrated. So make sure you stay hydrated to keep your skin healthy. You can even try Japanese water therapy, which involves drinking several glasses of room temperature water first thing every morning.

What is Japanese water therapy and how does it work?

Japanese water therapy is a wellness practice that involves drinking several glasses of room temperature water each morning upon waking for possible health benefits. You should consume four to five glasses of room temperature water upon waking, before brushing your teeth and waiting 45 minutes before breakfast. During meals, you should also eat within a 15-minute window and wait at least 2 hours before consuming anything else.

Japanese water therapy is based on the belief that adhering to specific water consumption practices, especially in the morning before eating, confers several health benefits, despite the lack of robust scientific support. It can help with morning hydration, activating body functions and initiating metabolic processes. Additionally, synchronizing the timings of meals and water is believed to facilitate intestinal cleansing and possibly aid in the healing of certain health conditions.

What are the benefits of water therapy for healthy skin?

Incorporating water therapy could potentially improve metabolism, which can aid in weight management, as consuming water on an empty stomach supports the body's natural detoxification process by eliminating toxins.

It improves digestion by cleansing the stomach and preparing it for the day's food intake, potentially increasing energy levels by hydrating and kick-starting body functions.

Japanese water therapy can positively impact skin health, contributing to a brighter complexion, regulating bowel movements, preventing constipation and possibly balancing the body's pH levels.

It is also claimed that getting enough hydration from this routine benefits brain function, energy levels and blood pressure, and can help prevent headaches, constipation and kidney stones.

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How to practice Japanese water therapy for healthy skin?

  • Drink at least four to six glasses of water as soon as you get up in the morning.
  • Each glass should be filled with water to the top of 160-200 ml. Do this on an empty stomach.
  • It should be at room temperature or lukewarm. Brush your teeth after you have had water.
  • Do not eat anything for the next 45 minutes.
  • Allow a two-hour gap between each meal you consume during the day. In addition, you are not allowed to eat or drink anything during these two hours. For example, eat your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and evening snacks within 15 minutes, and then abstain from eating or drinking anything for the next two hours.
  • Take small breaks between each glass of water every few minutes if you can't manage four or six at a time.

Does water therapy help with weight loss?

Drinking water, especially before meals, can indirectly help with weight loss by creating a feeling of fullness, potentially leading to reduced calorie intake during meals, says Madhura L. Gurav, a specialist dietitian. However, the precise techniques suggested in Japanese water therapy, such as when and how much water to consume, have not been universally proven as effective weight loss strategies.

Weight management involves a complex interplay of factors, including diet, physical activity, genetics and overall lifestyle. Although maintaining proper hydration is critical to overall health, relying solely on specific water consumption practices for significant weight loss is unlikely to yield substantial results. If you are considering Japanese water therapy or another wellness approach to weight loss, it is wise to seek advice from healthcare professionals or registered dietitians. Their personal guidance, tailored to your health condition, needs and goals, can provide valuable insights.

Are there side effects of water therapy?

Although Japanese water therapy is generally considered safe, it is crucial to recognize the potential side effects of excessive water intake or sudden habit changes. Overhydration, characterized by consuming too much water in a short period of time, can lead to hyponatremia, which disrupts electrolyte balance and causes symptoms such as nausea, headaches and, in severe cases, seizures.

For some, drinking too much water or overhydrating on an empty stomach can cause discomfort, leading to bloating or nausea. Additionally, an electrolyte imbalance can occur due to excessive water consumption without proper electrolyte intake. Increased urinary frequency can also be an inconvenience with significant water intake.

Precautions should be taken, especially if you are taking medications that affect fluid balance, as excessive water intake can interfere with function. Individuals with kidney problems or conditions that affect fluid balance should avoid this therapy altogether. Monitoring your body's response to the routine is critical; If discomfort or adverse effects occur, it is recommended to modify or discontinue the practice. Recognizing individual differences is crucial; what works for one person may not work for another.

Consultation with healthcare professionals or registered dietitians before practicing Japanese water therapy, especially for those with underlying health conditions, is highly recommended. This approach ensures careful consideration of personal health status, preferences and tolerance levels before making significant hydration or lifestyle adjustments.

Water consumption is one of the most popular remedies for almost any health problem, including skin care. There are several benefits to using water treatment. It improves the normal physiology of the skin while detoxifying, cleansing and increasing skin density. As it does this, it promotes healthy, glowing skin.

But before starting therapy, you should consult with a doctor to determine how much water you need.