{#JanuaryJoy - Plan a Room}

By Glasgow_mummy @glasgow_mummy

A lot of the rooms in my new house are now sorted and I've already discussed plans for the living room and my son's bedroom here and here.
So for today's #JanuaryJoy prompt I've decided to share some ideas for my garden.
My son has requested that we paint the front door purple, and I've already purchased the paint for this back in September last year when we moved in. I've just not gotten around to the actual painting part as yet - but in my defence the weather has been fairly miserable!
I've still got my garden furniture and the kids trampoline is now built... I've also still got a few of my planters from the old house. The herbs have died, but I can remedy this in the spring when the weather improves.
I'd love to get some proper lighting for the garden, and I have a tree that would look amazing with fairy lights wrapped around it. There are also no plants in the garden at the moment, but I'm thinking I could put together some kind of green and purple border. Of course all this costs money, but for just now I can dream!
So to tie in with the purple door, and my love of fairy lights... here are my inspiration pictures that I've pinned to my For the Home pinterest board:
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