January Wrap Up

By Pocketfulofbooks @PocketfulofBooks

January Wrap Up

Ooops I meant to post this weeks ago but completely forgot. January seems a hundred years ago now but OH WELL.

I set my book challenge on Goodreads at 100 last year, but this year decided to go with the safer option of 50. I read 91 last year in total, but I was unemployed at the start of the year and had much more time to read (and sleep)! I now work full time in a school library and just can't fit in as much as I used to, so I am proud that I managed to get 4 books read in January which were:

Title: Brilliance of the Moon (Tales of the Otori #3)Author: Lian Hearn

My Rating: 4 Stars.I really enjoyed the 'Tales of Otori' series and thought this was a brilliant conclusion. Lian Hearn did later add books to the trilogy (a 4th book and a prequel) but I feel too Otori-ed out to embark on those at the moment. It is an intense battle of ninjas and samurais and has made me love the Japanese setting for books. I am especially excited to read the prequel (Heaven's Net is Wide) when I feel the urge to revisit Japan!

Title: Anna Dressed in BloodAuthor: Kendare BlakeMy ReviewMy Rating: 4 StarsThis book was not at all what I was expecting; I came out of it without a single scare or gasp, but I did laugh and tear up in a couple of places. It is sweet and creative and definitely worth reading (but not if your expecting scares).Title: City of BonesAuthor: Cassandra ClareMy Review

My Rating: 3.5 Stars

The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices were series I promised myself I would read this year. So far, I enjoyed them but they are definitely not the best. They are cheese. They are too similar to HP in many ways. But I couldn't put this one down.

Title: City of AshesAuthor: Cassandra Clare

My Rating: 3 Stars

For me, this was a weaker book than City of Bones. The characters' reactions to events were too predictable, and lots of elements weren't explained properly and didn't make much sense. TOO MANY INCONSISTENCIES! However, I still enjoyed it enough to carry on with the series.

That was my January reading- lets hope I can stay on track for February too! And post the wrap-up at the right time too. My bad.