January’s “August Man” is Alexander Skarsgard

Posted on the 04 January 2012 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

Alexander Skarsgard is featured on the cover of the Malaysian magazine, August Man – in their January 2012 issue! He’s looking HOT, although these pictures look like they’re the same ones from the BlackBook photoshoot…

Check out the images below!

Please click image for larger view.

Special thanks to SkarsgardFans.com for the heads’ up!

This is what Alex says in the featured article about appearing in magazines and on TV:

It freaked me out to be talked about in magazines or on television. It made me feel insecure and nervous.

We happen to think he has no reason to be feeling nervous and insecure…although his ears should be burning, because of how we constantly like to talk about him and find out what he’s up to!

Thoughts? Share ‘em below!

Sources: Senatus and Eric Northman Fans on FB