After a crazy holiday spent with my family in California, I didn't make much time for contemplation and goal setting, but I did get lots of heavenly snuggle time in with my little niece so...priorities! I did manage some organizational/thinking time and I think I'm almost ready to put ideas to paper. What are your goals? Tell me yours and I'll totally adopt them. I'm super obedient. Just tell me what to do.
IN THE MEAN TIME, how about a new playlist for January, eh?! Like last year, Lars music editor, Kev Nemelka, came up with his top 20 list of 2014. Take a listen to it below or click here and read up about it here.
More goals and resolutions and stuff coming soon....Or maybe I need to make that my first goal.
LISTEN TO THE PLAYLIST HERE or access it below
Photo by Laura Sumrak