January 8th Bible Reading

By Themilkaint4free @prospermuch
Genesis 18:16-19:38, Matthew 6:25-7:14
Psalm 8:1-9, Proverbs 2:6-15
Do you remember the song "His eyes were on the sparrow" as a little girl in church?  I sure can and I still love that song today.  It's one of those songs that talented singers love to harp out and do their thing.  As a girl, I love the song, but I really didn't know what it meant as simple as it seems now.  
The message in the word of God as in the song is very simple that surely if God watches over the bird of the air and wild plants on the earth, He will and does take care of His children.  We do not have to worry about carnal things like those who don't know God when we put our trust in the master's hands.  Yes, I've experience some tight times in my life, but I've never starved.  God has always made a way for me and all things have truly worked together for my good. 

In fact, if you ever find yourself in a place where the food seems a little lean, it may be a nice time to declare a fast:)  Our attitude of gratitude will take us a long way in understanding and appreciating how bless we really are.  Too bless to be stressed is a true saying because we have so much to be thankful for.  So my sisters take the energy that you would use to stress to go and bless our God!  You are truly blessed beyond measure! 

p.s. please chime in and share insights or questions.  Your E-presence is a blessing!
Wait For God's Best, and Don't Settle For Less!