Synopsis: A memoir by Lysa TerKeurist, Lysa begins to share her personal experience with rejection, beginning at childhood with her father leaving to the judgment over a stranger at a gym. Filled with biblical depth, honest vulnerability and refreshing wit, Lysa shares with us various ways that we fall too into this helpless trap of comparison and wondering why we are not always invited to events or experiences.
My Thoughts: I really wanted to enjoy this book especially because an umber of women that I love read it and recommended it ( as well as all of you ). I've heard so many women share how it encouraged them and how it was relatable and helpful and Id on't doubt that the Lord has use the book to help enrich their lives but I personally just struggled with it.
There are a few things I did enjoy about the book that I wanted to share. I really appreciated Lysa's true honesty in sharing ways that she personally experienced rejection in her life. I could really identity those situations that she shared and even recalled instances in my own life when similar things occurred. I also like her chapters of prayer. They were a great resource to those that were in the midst of feeling rejected while reading the book.
As far as content goes, I just kept wanting MORE. Lysa shares these personal raw stories but I don't see how this book is really going to help someone overcome the deep hurt that can come from not being invited by a spouse, close friend or parent. The heart changing content did not come until the second to the last chapter where she focused on the character of Christ in the midst of rejection. I wanted more of working through the rejection that they are facing. As an ennegram 2, you guys know I love helping and sharing deep feelings.
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