Janay Rice: New Public Figure

Posted on the 11 September 2014 by Elle @Elle_Sweetest

Janay Rice Twitter Pic @JanayRice

A lot of news has been circulating about Ray Rice and the way he knocked his wife Janay Rice out in an elevator the domestic incident between he and his wife, Janay Rice. Since the footage aired (Video Below) , Mr. Rice has since been released from his NFL contract and publicly apologized for his actions. Mrs. Rice has also come out publicly, apologizing for the role she played in the incident. Since the press conference Mrs. Rice seems to be basking in the attention she is now getting, she even joined twitter, here is her first tweet;
Janay Rice @JanayRice  ·  Sep 8 #RayRice paybacks a bitch #YesAllWomen   (I wonder to whom she is referring)

Is she receiving attention for the wrong things? Especially since she is staying with a man that knocked her out cold, tried to drag her lifeless body out of an elevator, and then the footage leaked and the world now knows she is a victim of domestic violence. Let's be real, this is not the first time Janay has been hit by Ray, this is just the first time anyone found out. Everyone seems to know all of the reasons why she doesn't leave, and I surely wouldn't blame the victim, but it seems to me that she doesn't believe she IS a victim. The way Mrs. Rice is going about this seems terribly wrong, she even went as far to publicly blast the NFL for taking away something her husband 'loves'. Does that mean he is going to knock out the commissioner? We all see how Ray Rice handles things he is supposed to love. Don't cry for her Argentina, she doesn't need help. However, how does she think he will treat her now that he lost his contract over the domestic incident between them? He surely will become bitter and more abusive toward her. Ray Rice needs help! Most people are now speculating that she doesn't leave because of the money, which I am so sure will be scarce soon, or that it is because of the children, but isn't that a reason to leave, or that she is blinded by love, I'm sure punches to the face could definitely take off the blinders. I understand, I used to go through domestic violence myself, that is until I made it clear that I would not stand for it, I will not make excuses, and I would tell anyone that would listen. He changed, but after much work. He WANTED to change, and he did. I guess I could say that I was lucky, the man I love loved me back enough to admit that enough was enough. I would also say that this is not the common outcome of domestic violence situations. Ray Rice is giving up more excuses that someone that owes out money, and Mrs. Rice is enabling him by taking the blame. Do I believe she is brainwashed, maybe by the money NO. I do believe that she is afraid of losing the life she has grown accustomed to and are afraid to start over. Sometimes we as women will put up with anything, and we tell ourselves it is for the benefit of our children, but what will benefit our children more than anything is growing up in a safe, loving, abuse-free environment. I will not kick Mrs. Rice while she is obviously down, whether she wants to admit it or not. I just hope she wakes up and realizes that she could probably do better on her own and that any man that hits her the way her husband did does not deserve to be in her life or the lives of their children.