Jamestown Foundation Is CIA

Posted on the 19 November 2014 by Calvinthedog


I just learned that this very suspicious stink tank is apparently run as some soft of a CIA cover. I read that this organization is actually a CIA front to enlist anti-Russian dissidents from Russia and the former East Bloc.

There is an extreme focus on Russia with an almost-psychotic slant to this site. As you can see on the front page, this organization has apparently declared war on Russia. The resemblance to Paul Goble’s deranged blog is remarkable. Goble is “ex-CIA.” Wink wink. No such thing as “ex-CIA.” The Jamestown Foundation is a carbon copy of Goble’s site. If Goble is CIA, I figure these guys are too.

Note the apparently new focus on China, the new enemy of the US Deep State. China has angered the NWO crowd at the State Department due to her alliance with Russia. Did you notice how soon after China allied herself with Russia and started cutting a lot of deals with the Russians, those wild anti-China protests suddenly exploded all over Hong Kong. I figure Western intelligence agencies stirred that up. A lot of these “spontaneous protests” are set up and set off by Western intelligence agencies. Not that people don’t have real gripes, but without the funding an organization of Western intelligence, they never would have started in the first place.

I guess for US imperialism, it’s now:

Enemy #1: Russia

Enemy #2: China