James Joyce's the Cat and the Devil Back in Print!

By Winterthorn
MY VERY FIRST WE TOO WERE CHILDREN, MR. BARRIE POST was on James Joyce's letter-to-his-grandson-turned-picture-book The Cat and the Devil. The book has been illustrated and published two times, in 1964 with illustrations by Richard Erdoes and in 1981 in the US (1978 in France) illustrated by Roger Blachon. I received an email today from the Swiss publisher SJW Schweizerisches Jugendschriftenwerk that the Roger Blachon edition is now available in five languages including English. It doesn't appear to be listed on Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk, but it can be ordered directly from SJW on their website here in the section Google translates as "Swiss youth written work". Their press information, including the below image, isn't in English, so I can't offer more. It's just good to see an out-of-print book getting a second chance.