James Fortune Being Vulnerable as a Man is Where He Found His Strength

By Firstladyb


Gospel recording artist, James Fortune is opening up about his past mistakes, and how society drills in our men that they are weak or soft for being vulnerable.  Fortune shares with his followers,”Being vulnerable as a man is often seen as weakness, but it’s really where I found my strength.”

Being vulnerable as a man is often seen as weakness but it’s really where I found my strength. The message many men receive is “Please share yourself with me, but don’t share too much or in a way that makes me feel like you’re not a strong confident man.” From boyhood as men we get one lesson drilled into us over and over. From our peers, our parents, toys, television, every joke and playground game tells us one thing, the single most important thing we must do to be a big boy, to be a real man. We must at all costs never show, or if possible never even feel, emotions. Women often times reinforce this with something like “get out your feelings” When in all honestly men need to “get in their feelings”.

Fortune continued.

See when men are dealing with depression we “act out” while women “act in”. We suppress our feelings and emotions or “stay out of our feelings” which causes us to act out in different destructive ways. Men there is nothing soft or weak about being vulnerable. I had been Gender trained all through life to never show emotion unless it came from a place of power and strength. Well during the last 3 years all of that went out the window and I had to deal with the real me. I had to go back and deal with the boy inside the man. There is still much more work to be done but It was a life saving decision for me and I’m praying that my transparency can produce transformation for others. You still have a future! God Bless!  #jamesfortune

Being vulnerable as a man is often seen as weakness but it's really where I found my strength. The message many men receive is “Please share yourself with me, but don’t share too much or in a way that makes me feel like you’re not a strong confident man.” From boyhood as men we get one lesson drilled into us over and over. From our peers, our parents, toys, television, every joke and playground game tells us one thing, the single most important thing we must do to be a big boy, to be a real man. We must at all costs never show, or if possible never even feel, emotions. Women often times reinforce this with something like "get out your feelings" When in all honestly men need to "get in their feelings". See when men are dealing with depression we "act out" while women "act in". We suppress our feelings and emotions or "stay out of our feelings" which causes us to act out in different destructive ways. Men there is nothing soft or weak about being vulnerable. I had been Gender trained all through life to never show emotion unless it came from a place of power and strength. Well during the last 3 years all of that went out the window and I had to deal with the real me. I had to go back and deal with the boy inside the man. There is still much more work to be done but It was a life saving decision for me and I'm praying that my transparency can produce transformation for others. You still have a future! God Bless! #jamesfortune

A post shared by James Fortune (@mrjamesfortune) on Jul 11, 2017 at 10:11pm PDT

The back story:

Fortune, who was married to gospel singer, Cheryl Fortune was charged with  a third degree felony charge of assaulting his wife. He was sentenced to five years of probation plus five days in jail. He also had to do 175 hours of community service, complete a “batterer’s intervention” program and stay away from his wife.

Investigators say Fortune struck his wife with a wooden vanity stool, kicked her and threw her against a wall one night inside their  home in October of 2014.

In court, a prosecutor, read a victim impact statement from Fortune’s wife in which she wrote, “I hope in all of this you get help. Serious help. Although this probation might be like a slap on the wrist, I hope you look at it as a moment to better yourself and change something within you for your future.”