Jacket Up – FABruary Style Challenge

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

Today I’m wearing a light silk jacket as it’s super hot here!

Jackets are one of the essential third pieces in your wardrobe. They can cover a multitude of sins, and dress up a more casual outfit, or if made from a casual fabric, dress down a fancier one.

Jackets bypass many of your personal ‘statistics’. The can diminish the appearance of a large bust or tummy, cover the back fat and any other part of your upper body that you’d rather people don’t notice.

Their structured nature makes you look more professional, but also helps in camouflaging your lumps and bumps.

Jacket up by imogenl featuring vivienne westwood

I love that these days jackets aren’t all that classic navy blazer or suit jacket, now there are so many options from more casual jackets in comfortable fabrics like jersey, to personality piece jackets that easily become the hero in your outfit.