J. Crew Director Jenna Lyons Allegedly Leaving Husband For A Woman

Posted on the 25 October 2011 by Cynisright @cynisright

10/25/2011 – by Cynthia Wright

Remember the J. Crew hoopla over President and Creative Director Jenna Lyons painting her son’s toenails pink? Well, now Lyons is in the papers again over a new type of scandal stemming from rumors that she is divorcing her artist husband, Vincent

Family Photo

Mazeau for another woman.

The woman is reportedly to be in the fashion industry as well, outside of that any other details about the reported couple have been scarce.

While this is currently still at the rumor status, if this proves to be true – I’m sur those who criticized Lyons’ for painting her child’s toenails will be up in arms over her leaving her heterosexual life to be with a woman.

Not sure how much this plays into the divorce. While some sources have stated that the divorce proceedings have been messy, due to Mazeau wanting to keep their posh Park Slope brownstone, the estranged couple have reached a custody agreement regarding their son, Beckett.
