Italy is Growing in Organic-social Farming

By Connie
For several years we saw, in Italy and other European countries, a growth of farms, in the context of multifunctionality, engaged in social agriculture. This includes all those practices that use agricultural and rural setting to create and promote the benefits of inclusive socio-employment of disadvantaged people,with low bargaining power and risk of marginalization.
The spectrum of farming practices is a broad social and different purposes: rehabilitation and care pathways for people with disabilities through therapeutic activities, psycho-physical or co-therapy (garden-terapy, pet therapy ecc.), conducted in collaboration with health and social services in the territory: training and employment of disadvantaged people; "regenerative" activities, teaching and accommodation for people with special needs (elderly, children and young people in difficulty or at risk of delinquency, refugees, etc..).
The phenomenon has been growing at two factors: on the one hand, the crisis of the welfare state as a result of the economic and financial crisis, on the other, the crisis of “industrial” farming and the need to consolidate a model of diversified and multifunctional agricultural enterprise .
Agriculture intervenes on new social needs, security and services for people from rural areas and urban areas and organizational processes and innovation in the agricultural world. 

So, over the years social agriculture has gone bio-social, particularly affecting all the above activities, placing the model in a context of utmost respect for the environment and actors involved.  

The social relationship between agriculture and organic farming is very narrow, not only for the context of increased levels of safety and well being that organic farming provides operators, but also and especially for the sharing of ethical and environmental reasons.

Both pursue the defense of common goods and the affirmation of the social value of agriculture ecologically sustainable. Both, however, represent the most dynamic and innovative segments of the primary sector in the face of crises that invests years in terms of income, the number of companies and employees.

Bio-social activity is highly diversified agriculture, with a predominance of labor-intensive activities, the closure of production cycles and a significant diversity ranging from restaurants to farm, from education to environmental protection.  

Organic agriculture companies operate mainly in the social and vegetable sector, but also in the rearing of small animals (poultry and beekeeping).

According to the data contained in Bioreport 2011, on the face of marketing, most companies make use of direct sales.  

This study, has been conducted by the National Rural Network in collaboration with various institutions and associations, and it’s the photo of the Italian organic sector. 

The research, as well as to report on the production and the market, analyzes the numbers of  "social businesses”

On the face of marketing, most companies make use  of direct sales (38%). All organic farms have found social relationships with various organizations and institutions: 86% of the sample works with public and private.

The social farms active collaboration with the health sector, local health and cooperatives for rehabilitation of ex addicts (25.5% of the vote), local (21.1%), voluntary (18.1%), universities and schools (12.1%).

The Italian organic farms are increasingly engaged in social work. They give an opportunity in their home or farm to boys with problems of integration into the world of work. 19.7% of green companies home persons with menthal disabilities, 18.8% with physical problems, 12.5% ​​with mental disorders, 17.3% welcomes people with addictions (drug addicts and 10.7% 6.5% ex-alcoholics), while 9.3% fewer houses at-risk youth.

In addition, 25.5% of companies have partnered in the health field: National Health Service and Addiction Services (SERT). Followed by local authorities (21.1%), volunteering (18.1%), universities' and schools (12.1%).

Examined the current global situation and the results obtained through the efforts of those working in organic farming and bio-social we should consider the idea of trust, once and for all, to seriously the care of Mother Nature.

Ingredients for 6 sevings: 1 kg ripe tomatoes 1 liter of vegetable broth (homemade) 600 gr. stale bread, preferably Tuscan or without salt Abundant fresh basil Extra virgin olive oil Salt 3 cloves of garlic

Preparation: Fry slightly the garlic and extra virgin olive oil in a pan, then add the ripe tomatoes cut into pieces. Let cook the tomatoes, add the salt and cook for about 10 minutes. Pass the sauce through a sieve to remove seeds and peel of the tomato (you choose if you want to leave the garlic or remove it) and add a couple of ladles of vegetable broth (water, carrots, celery, parsley, onion). Taste (to know if it is not too salty, because then it will be rather difficult with the presence of the bread that quickly absorbs the broth). Add small pieces of stale bread continuing to turn. Toggle the broth with bread and continues to mix until completely absorbed. The dish is ready when all the bread becomes soft and presented in the form of soup. Serve the dish with a few leaves of basil on the soup.