'It Would Take a Heart of Stone Not to Laugh!'

By Davidduff

I paraphrase dear Oscar's words - such a darling boy! - but after my minor diatribe aimed at the late and less than lovely Sergei Prokofiev I was in need of a good laugh but I hardly expected it from the normally po-faced, Left-wing Spiegel.  Still, in these straightened times one must seize one's laughs from where-ever.

Germany, as you all know, is currently embroiled in a general election which, as seen dimly from 'just over here', looks like a shoo-in for Rosa Klebb Mrs. Merkel unless someone catches her in bed with two blind Turks - well, they'd have to be blind, wouldn't they?

   Mrs. Merkel  Rosa Klebb

Her main opposition comes from the German socialist party whose current leader makes Ed Miliband look like Rommel!  However, no matter how hard the going they are, apparently, trying to fight the good fight, part of which is an effort on their part to look, you know, like, really-really Green!  To that end they had 8,000 election posters printed in a new, environmentally friendly material which, no sooner had they slapped them up all over various towns and cities when a rain shower came along and the whole lot dissolved!

The season's first campaign posters, which SPD candidate Peer Steinbrück had proudly presented at a press conference just 48 hours earlier, became water-logged at the first sign of rainfall and promptly fell off walls across the country.

Ironically, the posters had been touted as being eco-friendly, weather-resistant and free from damaging formaldehydes, part of a new recycling initiative by SPD headquarters. None of the campaign workers could have guessed, however, how quickly the environmentally friendly process of biodegradation would begin.

Oh, my giddy aunt . . . I can't write any more . . . I'm hanging on to my desk to stop myself falling off my chair!  Of course, our German, er, friends, are not well known for their humor but I gather there has been the mysterious sound of sundry chuckles to be heard! 

Not that it's just the socialists who have been caught slipping up on Green poo.  Frau Merkel and several of her government ministers were due to attend the opening of a giant, new, off-shore windmill farm which, of course, has been in receipt of shedloads of government D-euros but, alas, cannot open on time because the main power line from the shore is missing!  Now the blades are in danger of rusting up unless they can be kept moving so at the moment the, er, energy-saving windmill farm is actually consuming electricity not providing it!

No wonder they lost the war!