It’s Ultra Time, B*tches!

By Brisdon @shutuprun

Sometimes I like to mix up my running with a bit of crazy. That will certainly be the case this weekend when I embark on my first ultra relay.

Here I go (no I will not be running in these Daisy Dukes – those are only for special occasions, at least you don’t see my butt cheek hanging out like all the teenage girls):

# of runners: 5
# of women: 2
# of total miles: 165
# of miles I will run: 38.2
# of runs I will do: 6
#of mountain passes I will run: 2
# of hours it will likely take our team: 30
# hours of sleep I will get: 0
# of farts in the van: infinity

Have you ever wondered why you really do long distance races or crazy running things? Sure it’s  sense of accomplishment, blah, blah…but, for me I think it’s because my “real” life can become mundane and boring. I need spice. Did I ever tell you one of my nicknames is Spice? True.

The food:

I plan to be powered by bagels, Swedish Fish, chocolate milk, cup ‘0 noodles and PB&J with a side of salted caramel GU.

The start:

The fun gets underway at 5am tomorrow morning when I cross the start line in Idaho Springs, CO. It will look like this. Me and my headlamp:

(For the record that means a 2:30 a.m. wake up call. I say to myself, “Self! Why even bother going to the bed?”)

The stats (I am runner #1):

The Packing Mess:

Yes, that is a robot vacuum to the left. Yes, I love it. No, I will not be bringing it on the relay.

So, there you have it. It’s 4:23 p.m. and I should go to bed so I get my 10 hours of sleep. Hey, and if you don’t follow me on Instagram, do it HERE cause that’s where I’ll be updating.

What’s your nickname and why? Betty, Booty, Spice, Hon, Bethie, BM (yeah, my former initials. Fits, huh?)

What’s your highest weekly mileage ever? Mine’s 51.