It’s Time To Stop – By: Anjali Dhananjayan [Raise Your Voice Post]

By Jyoti Arora @Jy0tiAr0ra

And here’s the first voice of protest that has come to echo in this Raise Your Voice space. This excellent article by Anjali Dhananjayan was first published in the newspaper THE HITAVADA on 25th November, 2014.

According to Anjali, she wrote this article to make people aware about the kind of crisis going around in almost every part of our country.

She makes valid points in her articles. And she will love to know what you think about the issue she talks about. 

If you too have something to say about the rising crimes against women, feel free to comment below, or send your messages, articles, stories, poems, illustrations etc. to

LEMON GIRL is a heart-warming, inspiring and motivating novel protesting against the rising crimes against women in India and the persisting mentality of blaming the victim.