It's Time to Rid Yourself of the Muffin Top

By Ohsocynthia @OhSoCynthia

I’ve been considering plastic surgery for years and with Spring Break coming up, even more so! All it took was one shopping excursion to Target to look at bathing suits and I was in a funk for 3 days!
I’m one of those inherently lazy people who would just rather pay to have it cut or sucked out permanently than starve myself and go to the gym for the next hundred years. I’m all about working smarter vs. harder. But, that’s just me…
Thankfully, women these days brag about their surgeries and can’t wait to let you see the results of their new boob job – they aren’t shy about what they’ve had done or who did the work. Which is great, because a word-of-mouth referral is what you want when it comes to a work like this! One of the names that comes up a lot in my circles is Dr. Diane Gibby. She was one of the first female plastic surgeons in Dallas and her practice in focused solely on women and their body contouring needs as well as women's health in general. After all, who knows a women’s body better than a woman?
“As a female surgeon and mother myself, I understand that the physical changes women experience throughout the various stages of their lives. While these changes affect each woman differently, they are often accompanied by an emotional component that adversely affects self-esteem and confidence. The good news is that they can all be dramatically improved with new advances in surgical techniques,” says Dr. Gibby. “While orchestrating their busy lives women often put others needs before their own. (Ain’t that the truth!) This fact became the motivation for focusing my cosmetic surgery practice exclusively on women and choosing to concentrate solely on body contouring procedures.”

So, even if you’re ready to do something about your muffin top or dimply thighs, how do you know which treatment is right for you? There are multiple kinds of Lipsouction and less invasive procedures like Laser-Assisted Lipo/ Laser Lipolysis (Cool Lipo®, LipoLite®, ProLipo™, SlimLipo™, AccuSculpt™). Or you could consider non-invasive treatments like LipoDissolve, VelvaShape, SkinTyte, SmoothShapes, Thermage or Accent.
Is your head spinning yet? 
Did you even realize there were SO MANY choices? 
It’s incredibly intimidating. Which is why you need to place yourself in the hands of an expert who can listen to what you are trying to achieve and make a recommendation about which of these services will work best for you. Dr. Gibby has created a Body Contouring Glossary to help break down all of these options in a language the average person can understand. This way you can have an idea of what you’re interested in when you go to consult with her! Dr. Gibby says, “Specializing in body contouring has allowed me to not only garner surgical expertise specific to these procedures, but the ability to really listen and understand a woman’s concerns during every phase of her life. This understanding is crucial so that the desired result is achieved.”
Instead of going through another swimsuit season feeling depressed and awful about yourself, make an appointment with Dr. Gibby to explore what your options are. Put your money where your negative thoughts are and DO something about it!  Visit for more info or make an appointment for a consultation by calling (972) 566-6477.
This post was brought to you by The Women's Center for Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery. For more information on Dr. Diane Gibby and the services provided her practice, visit  While I did receive compensation for authoring this post; product selections, descriptions, and opinions are 100% my own. Interested in a sponsored post or product review? Contact me for rates and details.