Being a platform for discussion and exchange of views and opinions, a blog is something that should be influenced by not only its author, but also - and especially - by its readers.
Every time I take the time to brainstorm and think of new ideas for this establishment, I am often strongly influenced by my readers, who in fact are the essence of this blog. Without you, I would soon loose interest in the sometimes not so easy work of blogging - that has become an important part of my everyday life.
However, now is the time to be completely open, and make room for your ideas and opinions of any sort - it is time for your concrete feedback. Don't be afraid of sharing negative criticism, which is the most helpful kind; speak your mind and tell me and the world, what you think of Lime Reviews and Strawberry Confessions.
Be it fisticuffs or applause, any comment is appreciated and much wanted.I hereby declare this bazar open!