It’s the Little Things

By 1258miles @1258miles

When life gives you lemons, all you have to do is hope you’ve got some gin & tonic lying around. Also, here’s a list of other things that will make your mind smile.

Being on a boat. It doesn’t even matter if the boat isn’t going anywhere, there’s great pleasure being on a boat. It gives you the feeling you’re somewhere else.

A dear friend of mine always says you can’t be sad if you have a balloon. preferably, a helium one. Then, when the balloon has seen its best days, you can inhale (no, this is actually not a good thing to do at all) the gas and talk like a squirrel for two seconds.

Asking a question from the Magic Eight Ball. Me and my golden ex roommate used to run all the important decisions through the Ball, it never failed to give us answers. Some people would claim it’s stupid to base a decision to move abroad on an ABSOLUTELY” from a toy but hey, what ever works for you.

Drinking wine with someone amazing on a Tuesday night, writing “Always dance your troubles away” on your living room wall with a green marker and then, obviously, dance your troubles away. Leave your curtains open and let your neighbors watch, the next morning, buy paint to cover the green marker on your living room wall.

Changing the order of your furnitures. It’s oddly satisfying to hoover under your couch. And you might even find all the missing cutlery behind the fridge. This is something someone I used to know very well always did when feeling frustrated.

Opening all the windows in your apartments for fifteen minutes and playing music loud.

Taking a dog bigger than yourself to a local pub. This particular dog recently passed away with happy memories and the greatest name a dog has ever had.

Baking something, baking anything. It gives you something new to think about, gets you to do something, makes the house smell nice and finally, gives you something to eat.

A Friend sending you this:

Staying up all night and watching the sunrise with great friends. On a balcony so high up it almost feels like a rooftop.

So the next time life gives you lemons, be happy for the excuse to drink a good aul G&T.