It’s That Time of Year Again – Season’s Greetings

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

It’s hard to believe it’s already Christmas again, this year has been a super strange one – and even though I’ve barely left the house for the majority of the year, it’s whizzed by at lightning speed once again.  

With so many plans cancelled this year (I was supposed to go to India as well as a 2nd trip to Thailand to teach aspiring image consultants the science and art of color and style), and living in Melbourne which ended up having a 2nd very strict lockdown that lasted 112 days.  This lockdown really helped me focus on what was important and to appreciate the little things.  

Rather than dwell on the negative I have purposefully focused on the positive this year as an aid to staying mentally healthy (and I’m sure it’s made a big difference).

This Year …

My son turned 18 and is now officially an adult, he also just finished school (which I am finding mindbendingly hard to comprehend as he’s still my little boy). 

With my gorgeous and now grown-up son

My kids spent the majority of the year having to do school online as classrooms were closed.  My son has spent countless hours doing many many practice exams to achieve a good grade so he and get into the university course of his choosing (we await results which come out on 30 December).

My daughter, who is an extravert who thrives on doing rather than reading or analysing, after finding home-schooling hard going has done exceptionally well this final term, being back in the classroom and I’m so proud of her.  Next year she’ll be in year 10 and is starting to work towards her career of choice (paramedic is her goal).  How fast they grow up!  When I started my image consulting business she wasn’t even born.

I’ve done around 170 Facebook Live videos (and then turned them into podcasts too) and used them as part of my blog posts as well.  This was something new and different for me to try after blogging and creating content the same way for the previous 11 years.     It’s also meant I have had to dress up and make up to look presentable for the camera most days. 

And I got back into sewing in a big way this year – given that we didn’t go out on weekends it gave me time to sew and apart from the 50 or so masks I made (some that matched my outfits), I also started making more clothes again.  Something I’ve not done much of since I was at university (just a couple of years ago 😉 ).

With Covid Casual as the fashion norm as we Zoomed our way through 2020, I’ve created blog posts and guides on what to wear on Zoom as well as three new video masterclasses for you enjoy (topics of Colour, Choosing Eyewear and Hair and Makeup.  all free when you join my 7 Steps to Style program)

I also expanded my team to include two fabulous additions, Zette and Davie who have been working on lots of the back-end of the blog, online programs and personal stylist training programs. Streamlining, improving and automating to ensure that as much as possible your experience is a good one.  It’s wonderful to have them on board.   Plus I added 4 personal stylists who have completed their personal stylist training with me to provide great color and style guidance for you in my Evolve Your Style and 7 Steps to Style fashion programs.

This Christmas 2020

I’ll be spending only with my immediate family as travel to anywhere is off-the-table.  I’m happy to be home and safe – and I can Zoom my parents who live interstate to say hello.  We have not seen each other since last Christmas and are looking forward to a time when we can get together safely again. 

The only travel I’ll do this year is decorating my Christmas tree with the ornaments I’ve purchased on my past travels (these are my souvenirs) which remind me of the places I’ve been and the wonderful people I’ve met.

It’s summer here and holiday season, so I’m taking some much needed R&R (at home) away from the computer to enjoy with my husband, kids, friends and dogs as will my team who are also having holidays with their families.

For You

I want to thank you for being here with me, reading, commenting and sharing this year.  For many who have let me know that defining your style has become a much-needed distraction from what has been going on around us all year, I’m so glad that I could help you in some small way.   When you’re isolating at home your world can start to feel very small and lonely, so you have let me know that finding a community of women from around the world to interact with in a positive way has proved to be a great source of comfort and joy.

 If there was ever a year to be reminded that the fates of all of us are intertwined, it was this one.  Nobody has been left untouched by the events of the year and as what happens on one side of the world impacts globally. That seemingly small actions have a massive impact has never been more undeniable.

Christmas, for me, is about peace and love and I send you both peace and love to you and your family and community.

May you have a safe and happy festive season!