It's starting to look a lot like Christmas, well I suppose it is only a couple of weeks away now did that happen?
The supermarkets are full of folk buying their Christmassy stuff, with trolleys piled high with Christmassy goodies, junk foods and lots of big plastic children's toys. If it's like this now WHAT is it going to be like in the week before Christmas ...
... and will we be all Christmassed out by then?
Advent Challenge - Day 6
A beautiful, handmade dark wood and highly polished wardrobe. It's been in the family for years and I have carefully checked that no one wants it before offering it up on Streetbank, the very organisation that initiated this Challenge. A local lady has been in touch to say she would be delighted to have it and if she gets back in touch in the next couple of days it will be hers.
Sue xx