It's Started!

By Desiree68 @pullyoursocksup
Silky vintage slips worn as frocks, warm northerly breezes, finding a cool spot in the heat of day and cool showers ... these are some of the things I love about summer.
And this week I discovered the perfect non-alcoholic tipple to battle the heat with:  tiramisu frappe ... icy, crunchy, not too sweet and zingy!
Slipping on one of my vintage slips on a sweltering summer day is a sweet pleasure I've come to look forward to since starting my wee collection a couple of years ago.
Where once upon a time I grappled for cool-dressing ideas, these days I turn to breezy rayon or silk slips and nighties.
They skim the body and let the rivulets of sweat run dry ... eeeeew I know, but they can be hand-washed in cold water and are dry in half an hour.

Yesterday I received a beautiful card and Tibetan prayer flag in the mail from Forest City Fashionista, mementos of her recent trip to NYC.
There must have been some special magic in that envelope, as when I returned home I spotted The Phoenix returning from his first solo stroll since I met him.
Your good wishes and prayers must be working, he is battling his illnesses like a warrior ... it's a daily fight, sometimes minute-by-minute.
Yet to think he strolled down to the waterfront, snapping beautiful pics of the scenery, the sea ... I see my man returning.
Thank you Shelley and all the rest of you bloggy beauties!

Oooh look at this tired face ... I needed some sparkle yesterday so a bit of curl and glitter did the trick.

Miss Simmonds Says has been asking me for a 1920-30s hair tutorial after seeing a couple of my finger-wave pics.
I'm not quite ready yet as I'm still practising, but I also do curls and these are the tools I use for them.
I give my hair a squirt with Miss Lindy's excellent setting lotion, before rolling my hair tightly in the hot sticks for at least half and hour.
Take them out, then spray with firm hold hairspray.
The curls come out as firm and bouncy.
The curls above were created using my curling iron that I bought for five bucks at an op shop.
The wand is tiny - no wider than my little finger, so I get super-tight curls that last a couple of days.

1940s rayon slip - eBay Earrings - by Mallory Knox of Create Beautiful Beads 1950s tapestry bag - gifted by my lovely sister, Mere VW Melissa shoes - Amazon Sunnies - Etsy Bangles and rings - thrifted
A parcel from the glorious Sarah Misfit arrived today, she's my swap partner for Lakota's Christmas Swap Party and I let out a squeal of delight at the goodies!
Look at the giant crochet Christmas stocking!
She also sent me a super soft bolero that looks and feels like a soft snowball, I ate the mango liquorice with minutes and I'm just thinking about cracking open the chilli chocolate  while we watch Midsomer Murders.
Hot pink tights - GAH!!
Darling Sarah wrapped everything up in parcels wrapped in uncut sewing patterns and crochet wool:).
And LOOK what The Stylist got!  This beautiful 1970s evening frock - she absolutely loves it and spent the afternoon swanning around the house, draping elegantly about the place.
Thank you darling Sarah!
Here's a pic of The Stylist at her school's Christmas carols celebration tonight ... everyone sang beautifully and it was such a treat.
I hope you're having a wonderful Friday my lovelies.
Desiree xoxo