“It’s So Humiliating to Be Occupied (or Ruled) by Blacks”

Posted on the 13 December 2018 by Calvinthedog

Jason Y: Actually, the same stuff happened under Obama. Some Whites were humiliated by having a Black guy as president. That’s one big reason they went all out for Trump – even knowing he’s a sleazebag!

I think you are right.

Arabs are extremely racist, especially Mesopotamian Arabs like Iraqis. Gulf (17-21% Black blood, with the high level in Yemen) and North African Arabs (13-30% Black blood, with the high level in Egypt), not so much, because there is so much Black blood in those areas and most of the Arab Whites are mixed with some Black in those places. There are quite Black (not fully but substantially Black) native Blacks in Saudi Arabia who are not treated poorly at all.

I remember seeing a photograph of an incredibly beautiful quite Black woman in Saudi Arabia seated at a table with traditionally dressed Arabs. She seemed pure Black until I noticed the golden tone to her skin. Dark Blacks with that golden tone are common in that area, and in North Africa and especially in the Sahel where almost everyone is like that.

But in the Levant and Mesopotamia, there are almost no Blacks and there are only low levels (7%) of Black blood in the population that are not readily observable in the people.

I remember a reporter interviewing a local Iraqi and he pointed to a Black US soldier patrolling his neighborhood. The man said, “It’s so humiliating to be occupied by Blacks!” This may have played into some of the insurgency. There are a few Blacks down around Basra, but I have heard that conditions are not ideal for them down there.

Recall that Arab culture is a shame based culture and that being humiliated is one of the worst things you can do to an Arab, especially if the humiliation is coming from a non-Arab. This is why Israel specializes in humiliating Palestinians – because they know how much it sets them off.

I had a Pakistani Muslim friend living in Kuwait for a long time. She and I were just friends, but we used to talk all the time. I told her about an incident where US troops had raided a house at night and forced the family from their beds outside in the front yard. The woman was standing there in her nightgown and feeling pretty embarrassed about it. My friend said, “Oh! The humiliation of that! They humiliated her!”

You need to understand the rage this causes in an Arab or Muslim. In the first place, Arabs and Muslims are pretty homicidal people. They can easily kill you without much if any guilt over something that White and non-Muslims would not c are about.

When you humiliate them like that, they literally want to kill you and many of them feel that they have a right to out and out murder you in revenge for humiliating them. This may well have driven a lot of the Iraqi and Palestinian resistance to White Judeo-Christian occupiers.

So these societies are not just shame-based societies but they are also vengeance based. In practice the two go right together with the vengeance being the only possible response for the humiliation.

In practice this tends to lead to endless family based blood feuds that go on forever as in rural Greece or Appalachia. In fact, a fair amount of the killing in Iraq in recent years has simply been paybacks, with Iraqis killing other Iraqis. Iraqi A will kill Iraqi B as part of the war. Iraqi’s A’s family finds out that Iraqi B killed their relative. So Iraqi A’s male relatives – father, uncles, brothers and cousins – set out to kill Iraqi B to avenge his killing of their kin. The problem with this is, obviously, that it never ends.

Also Whites have always thought that they ran this country. Paul Kersey, an Alt Right writer who wrote Things Black People Don’t Like and is a real racist, started calling the US Black-run America under Obama. So in other words, Whites have always run this country and under Obama for the first time, Blacks were running the US and I suppose ruling over or lording it over the Whites in some way subconsciously. A lot of this thinking is at the subconscious or near subconscious level, so it’s hard to figure out.

I mean how many rightwing Whites under Obama thought, “Niggers running my country! It’s so humiliating to be ruled by niggers!” Hardly any. But that may have been how they were feeling deep down inside in their psyche in feelings they did not have conscious access to. Instead it was “Obama’s a Muslim” or “Obama’s not born in the US,” on and on.

The hatred for Obama which often took explicitly racist forms was completely off the charts and out of line with how any other previous president. This is not because he was Black. A rightwing Black presumably would have been just fine. But Obama was a liberal Black who was for the Blacks, and those are the Blacks that the White racists hate so much. This is important to note.

White racists don’t necessarily hate Blacks per se or sheriff Clarke Ben Carson would not be so popular. They like rightwing Blacks just fine. However, rightwing Blacks like the status quo just fine and don’t think that Blacks have any grievances to be addressed. For these Blacks it is ok for Whites to keep running the show and Whites don’t have to make any accommodations at all towards Whites.