It’s Rubber-room Time: Michelle Obama Dances with Turnip

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

You can’t make this up.

Iman Crosson

Iman Crosson is a Barack Obama impersonator.

In an #AskTheFirstLady segment, Crosson (@AlphaCat) asked the First Lady of the United States this raunchy question:

“How many calories do you burn every time you ‘turn up’?!”

Note: Urban Dictionary gives two definitions for the expression “turn up”:

  1. Getting loose, being wild and potentially engaging in sexual activity with members of the opposite gender (or the same gender if thats what you’re in to)
  2. Acting crazy due to consumption of large amounts of alcohol, marijuana, molly or other drugs

The White House posted Mooch’s 6-second response, “Turnip for what,” on the WH Vine account, looped over and over in the video below:

“Turnip for what” is Mooch’s take on DJ Snake and Lil Jon’s “Turn Down for What.”

And no, like you, I’d never heard of DJ Snake or Lil Jon or their atrocious rap “song”. But the First Lady of the most powerful country in the world has.

Just makes you proud to be an American, doesn’t it?

H/t FOTM’s Lola

See also:
