It’s Really Hard to Look Through Binoculars When It’s Snowing.

By Timschreckengost @timshrek

Yellow Creek SP on 2/8/2012

This afternoon, I spent an hour and fifteen minutes birding Yellow Creek State Park. Snow picked up as time went on making it extremely hard to see anything through binoculars and my spotting scope. I did manage to find nine species, but nothing significant. Here is a complete list:

Yellow Creek SP (IBA), Indiana, US-PA
Feb 8, 2012 12:40 PM – 1:55 PM
Protocol: Traveling
2.0 mile(s)
9 species

Mallard  9
Hooded Merganser  2
Ring-billed Gull  1
Blue Jay  2
American Crow  11
Black-capped Chickadee  3
White-breasted Nuthatch (Eastern)  1
Brown Creeper  2
Golden-crowned Kinglet  3

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Good birding!
