It’s Potting Time!

By Umkhaloodie

Well, it’s that time of year when we can get stuck into the gardening, soil + mess = beauty. First of March….safe to say all frost is gone.

Last year, you will remember I potted a lot of things I hadn’t potted before, flowers, veg and fruit of all kinds. The mint was definitely an overall winner. It lasted that intense summer heat we get here and believe it or not, about a month ago, it started growing again after being dead through winter. I have two pots of it already, can’t wait to make that gorgeous fresh summer mint and lemon drink!

So, today, after we finish lunch, we are heading to get some plants for the top balcony.
I’m thinking some geraniums, some chrysanthemums and possibly a few of those desert flowers I had before.
Does anyone know anything that grows exceptionally well here?
I won’t be planting garlic or onions again, even though they are great for keeping the mossies away, it wasn’t so great for keeping away maggot type insects and let’s be honest, I choose a mosquito bite over maggots crawling about any day.

My lemon tree has grown another few inches over winter, weird …I figured it would die or at least shed it’s leaves, it didn’t…. Evergreen? Is that even possible? Lol.

Well, I’d love to hear ideas from you ladies… Let me know if you have planted something that worked and something that didn’t! Thanks all!