It's Our America - 80 And Not A Happy Camper (Video)

Posted on the 20 September 2013 by Susanduclos @SusanDuclos
By Susan Duclos
The video below and the comment I am going to show, is being shown with permission, from a message sent to me on Facebook. It is a real pity that a person who is 80 years-old, is doing more than most people half his age to try to take our country back.
From Pappy:
Hey Susan , thank you for the friendship. I will endeavor to be a constructive contributor. As a senior (seen 8 decades) I’m not a very happy camper. My government has been using me and my generation to financially water board our own doggone children and grandchildren, all under the headline of “saving our Social Security”. None of us seniors signed up for this, yet weave become unwitting partners in creating this horrish nightmare we've all been living through. My generation has something in its possession called the generational chain of trust, and we've an obligation to hand it off intact to the next generations. After all they’re entitled to an America that resembles the America we inherited from a previous generation.
To that end I've committed the rest of my productive (???) years to promoting a proposal that begins restoring middle class Americans, their families and the communities they call home; the heart and soul of our great country. We've come too far, worked too hard, made too many sacrifices, have too far to go, and too much at stake to leave this debate in the hands of inept leadership (both republican and democrat). The time for talking has passed, and the time for walking is upon us. We’re on a mission to create a better world for the next generation/s, and If you’ll invest a little of your time, we’ll respect you enough to spend it wisely. It's time “we the people” took “Our America” back and squared the books. “REAL JOE” the REAL DEAL - coming REAL soon.

It's Our America- Alway Has Been - Always Will Be

A special statement from Pappy can also be heard here--
The Real Joe Army website -

Thank you Pappy!
Cross posted at Before It's News