It’s Not to Late to Prepare Book Pitch for Conference

By Writerinterrupted @writerinterrupt

For the next couple of weeks on Tuesday & Thursdays we’ll be focusing on conference preparation here at Writer…Interrupted.

One of the most important reasons to go to a conference is to pitch to an editor and/or agent. Many CBA publishers do not accept unsolicited manuscripts. This is a good way to get yourself before an editor you have targeted.

1. Know who you are pitching to (what kind of books do they publish, what are they looking for)

2. Prepare the pitch and practice (with a friend, in front of a mirror) This pitch should be short with only the high points covers. Don’t tell the person the whole story from beginning to end.

3. Be professional in dress and manner (don’t expect an editor or agent to take your manuscript at the meeting)

4. Prepare questions you may have for the editor or agent (This is especially for an agent–they are working for you and you need to be able to work with them.)

5. Anticipate questions and practice answers (go over questions about your characters’ goals, motivation and conflict, know the audience you are writing for, be able to tell an editor what kind of book you are writing–what genre it fits in)

6. Breathe, smile and have fun!

7. Make notes after meeting (to help you remember–At conferences you meet so many people that you want to keep things straight. The best way is to make notes.)