The pure and simple simulation (backtesting) argues and justifies strategies in High Frequency Trading, as it depicts an alternate reality. You can return to the past.Like any representation of the real fact, simulation can bring risks to the analysis,Read more at:Backtesting,the good guy or the bad gay?However, the power that it has to estimate and project the behavior of the system is used as a guide to the entire development cycle of the investment strategy. The technique of simulation and backtesting allowed the quantitative style of financial management.Related post:Why Quantitative Investment Outpeforms?
It's Not It, but We Say It Is, to See, How It Would Be, If It Was!
Posted on the 08 October 2012 by Rodrigosucupira @rodrigosucupiraThe pure and simple simulation (backtesting) argues and justifies strategies in High Frequency Trading, as it depicts an alternate reality. You can return to the past.Like any representation of the real fact, simulation can bring risks to the analysis,Read more at:Backtesting,the good guy or the bad gay?However, the power that it has to estimate and project the behavior of the system is used as a guide to the entire development cycle of the investment strategy. The technique of simulation and backtesting allowed the quantitative style of financial management.Related post:Why Quantitative Investment Outpeforms?