It’s Not Halloween Yet, So Keep Your Gory Decorations And Free Range Chickens Off The Lawn!

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

HLN reports that an Oklahoma man’s choice of yard Halloween decorations, including decapitated fake bodies lead to a 9-1-1 call from a passerby, and a warning from the police.

Obviously the man doesn’t read our site or he would have read about the British man who also received a warning from the police about his gory decorations.

3 Worse Front Yard Halloween Decorations That Could Lead To A 9-1-1 Call

1. A Wax Figure Of Halle Berry playing a 9-1-1 operator in the movie the Call. Somebody call 9-1-1, because someone’s stolen Halle Berry’s career!

2. Republicans in Congress. According to a new CNN poll, 75% of Americans say the majority of Republicans in Congress don’t deserve to get reelected, so your house is totally gonna get egged! Quite possibly with non-genetically modified free range organic eggs! Which doesn’t become a potential 9-1-1 emergency until an angry free range chicken comes looking for her eggs.

3. Free range chickens. Because they’re called “Free range,” these things think they have a passport to go anywhere, from Paris, France, to breaking through your neighbor’s screen doors, pecking 9-1-1 on your neighbor’s phone, just like the game I Took A Lickin’ From A Chicken. Don’t recognize that reference? Then click on this YouTube video link.

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