It’s Not Always About the Scorpions, How About Visiting Arizona? Wupatki National Monument

By Probestpest @ProBestPest

It’s not always about the Scorpions, how about visiting Arizona?

Wupatki National Monument

The large pueblos preserved at Wupatki National Monument were constructed in the years following the eruption of nearby Sunset Crater, sometime between 1040 and 1100. Volcanic ash, deposited in thin layers, retained moisture and improved farming for an increased population at Wupatki.

One of the things I enjoy the most is investigating the types of wildlife or insects that in habitat areas like this. This area in years past had a very large harvester ant nest and I always brought along some sunflower seeds to spinkle around and watch them carry them back to their nest. Lizards and other wildlife are always visible, lounging around and gathering up the rays of sunshine.