It’s My Birthday! Would You Do Me A Favor?

By Cheerfulegg @lioyeo

So I turn a young sexy 28 years old today.

Most people my age celebrate their birthdays by booking tables and popping bottles of champagne. But this year, my birthday was way more hardcore… because I caught Iron Man 3. And I got a free Pepsi and a hot dog. I know right, I’m such a baller.

Most people dread their birthdays after they turn 25. But I think it’s actually pretty cool being 28. 28’s the new 21, or something.

Coincidentally, this is also the 100th post on 100 posts. One hundred posts. Dang, that’s crazy. (I swear I didn’t plan this in advance. It kind of just happened).

So it’s a pretty special day for both CheerfulEgg and I. I don’t usually ask my readers for favors, but would you mind doing one for me today?

Would you leave a comment or send me an email telling me one thing that CheerfulEgg has helped you to do?

It could be setting up a separate savings account and automating your savings. Or giving you some new perspectives on your career. Or helping you to invest in yourself or do something awesome.

All I ask of you is to be specific when you share your story. Nothing would make me happier than knowing that I’ve helped you out in some way.

Thanks in advance – and cheers to another awesome year ahead.