It’s Monday, 4/20, What Are YOU Reading?; Family Reunions; and Social Media Blackouts

By Anovelsource @thenovellife

What a whirlwind weekend with absolutely NO reading, blogging, social media, emailing, etc.  What did I do instead?  My children, mom, baby brother & his family all went to visit my little brother in Kentucky to celebrate birthdays and hang out at Keeneland.  Eight hours of sitting in the back seat entertaining my grandson was a treat {and a bit exhausting}.  We were only missing less than a handful of family at this small reunion/celebration – my sweetheart; second daughter; oldest nephew; and oldest step-grandson. Yup, less than a handful!  We even had my sister-in-law’s ex-husband in on the celebration – it was wonderful to see how well my brother & his wife get along with my nieces’ father, especially as this same brother and his ex do not get along.  Isn’t it weird and ironic how times change and how even our words and sentence structures change with an evolving culture? Any other families out there that have step-nieces and nephews and ex’s-in-laws and such?

Anxiously awaiting the action to begin!

Although we didn’t arrive until after midnight on Friday we were up early preparing for the big day at Keeneland.  I’ve been to a couple of horse races before but nothing like what happens in Kentucky!  They make tailgating at a UGA/FL game look like child’s play!  The best part was seeing all of the exotic hats, bowties and suspenders!  Nah, really, the best part was being able to spend some time with the family all together.  It’s funny how we all resort back to our childhood roles ~ as the oldest {and wisest}, not to mention, shortest, it’s always fun kidding around with my two younger brothers – the ‘little’ brother is epitome of the middle child while my ‘baby’ brother wrote the book on the baby sibling stereotype!

Defer Heaven with Jockey JarethLoveberry

It was strange going the entire weekend without my computer and social media.  Even the times I’ve neglected to post on my blog I’ve lurked around keeping up with the blogosphere at least in spirit. It is something I would strongly encourage even the most prolific of bloggers to do at least once a year ~ having that break to totally disconnect electronically and REconnect in real time in real life.  Makes me miss those growing up years. . .but not too too much

Me & The Little Monkey after a long day of tailgating & horse racing!

Which all leads up to what am I reading this week?

Well, hopefully, I will finish my experimenting with Better than Before by Gretchen Rubin.  I’m thoroughly enjoying learning the psychology behind the habits we make and fail to make/keep.  I’m also finishing up blogger, Melissa Michaels’ Love the Home You Have, an encouragement and inspiration for women and their homes.  A memoir {I know, I know, not my typical reading fare!} that has made its way into my hands is Under Magnolia by Frances Mayes.  If her name sounds familiar she’s the author of the famed Under the Tuscan Sun.  With all these non-fiction titles I’ve got to have a bit of spice in my reading repertoire so I’m also finishing up Lincoln Child’s latest, The Forgotten Room and Nora Roberts just released The Liar.  All in all that’s only five books that I’m attempting to complete this week ~ easy peasy, right?!? Ha! If only!

So what’s on your agenda for the week? A new release or an oldie but a goody?  Have you ever done a social media blackout, whether by choice or accident? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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