It’s iPad 3 Time, as the Orders Pour in

Posted on the 09 March 2012 by Themarioblog @garciainteract

TAKEAWAY: It was a typical Apple introduction of a new product for its iPad 3, the much talked about new tablet in the series.  The iPad 3 aims to please, and so far it apparently does, including investors and business types, who see Apple stock rising and the tablet continuing to dominate the market.

I happened to be in the US on Wednesday, when Apple announced its much awaited new iPad3, and for the past 48 hours it seems all the TV shows have something related to this new development.

TV presenters and commentators share details with their viewers about the color of the iPad they just ordered through the Apple Store——white seems to be the preferred. As with previous unveiing of Apple’s slick products, the topic of conversation at the water cooler today has been “who got the new iPad already on pre-order” and what it will offer that is new and different.

I admit that I have ordered my white one, too, and, according to the Apple Store, those who preordered today will get their new iPads shipped around March 17. Look forward to getting the new one. In my case, there is always the next grandchild in line waiting to inherit the iPad I leave behind!

Apparently another very popular iPad coming out, not just for those who write about technology, but also those in the business side of the equation, who are quite bullish about Apple (AAPL) stock in view of the new features that the iPad 3 will have.

Reactions from the business community to the new iPad are quite positive, with experts emphasizing that the new iPad is positioned to dominate the category. They believe competitors (Android and Windows) will have trouble matching the price-performance specs of the current iPad product lineup.

What’s new in the iPad 3?

—It will have a speedy quad-core processor. There are 3.1 million pixels on the device—or a million more pixels than standard HDTV. The data storage capacities remain the same.

—The new iPad also doubles as a 4G hot spot, allowing several devices to use its connection as they would a WiFi router. The new tablet can connect up to five additional devices through WiFi, Bluetooth, or USB.

—The iPad 2’s battery holds up for nine hours of 3G connectivity or 10 hours of regular usage. The new iPad also offers nine hours of 4G LTE connectivity or 10 hours of regular usage between charges.

—-It’ll Take Dictation, But Won’t Talk Back
Apple’s latest tablet takes voice dictation. But it will not work like the iPhone 4’s Siri, who answers your questions and commands.

TheMarioBlog post #956