It’s Good to Be Home

By 74limelane @74LimeLane

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We’ve been jumping back into routine today after a magical three days in the beautiful capital of Sydney.

Well, as routine as you can be when you are a tad exhaustipated and there is a pile of luggage in the middle of the lounge room … and no food in the fridge.

I’m not a great traveler ~ more an anxious, worrying traveler. But this was one of the more relaxed weekends away I have done.

It’s good to be home. I’m a homebody by nature ~ I love seeing gorgeous views, taking photos in new places, enjoying new experiences and taking a holiday.

But I crave the comfort of home ~ my bed, my shower, my things. And while I enjoy all the new sights and sounds ~ and love the time away when I’m there ~ I rarely crave the urge to travel.

Don’t worry, the Sydney slide night will be up soon. We have a fantastic time and naturally there is tons of photos!

Stay tuned!