It’s Getting Closer…

By Cynthialuhrs @wickedgreens

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I’m almost finished with Monroe’s book, Embraced by Shadow (of course then it’s off to the editor). Not only will you find out what happens to Monroe and Amy but…you’ll find out what actually happened oh so long ago with Luna and Thorne…and how the Shadow and Day Walkers came to be.

And yes, Fury makes an appearance. Don’t despair…you’ll find out more about Draken and what’s happening with the egg…

I hear the yelling–but don’t fear I didn’t forget Hamish. He’s got the best hunter the demons have ever spawned on Anna’s trail. It’s a race against the clock to keep Hawk from finding her.

Will Dayne get what’s coming to him? Will Terya intervene in their battle? Will the world as we know it crumble to rubble at our feet? You’ll find out soon my lovelies…

PS. Anything else you’ve been dying to know? Let me know hugs,