It's Cold Out.

By Chineze @uhmayzinginez
“So when you're coldFrom the inside outAnd don't know what to do,Remember love and friendship, And warmth will come to you.” ― Stephen CosgroveGnome from Nome
The Harmattan has barely begun and I've already caught a cold. Thankfully, school’s out and I can snuggle up in bed with lots of Bounty paper towels and bemoan my fate. Now, why is it that when you've bit your inner cheek once your teeth does not just rest until it has gnawed some flesh off that part? So, not only do I have runny nose to contend with I’m also dealing with a bewitched pair of pre-molars. Now who else has it worse than me?  On a cheerful note, Christmas is around the corner! Yay! Tada, tada! It's a time to rekindle every good emotion: love, hope, forgiveness, joy, peace e.t.c It's the time to begin a warm up towards a new beginning.

Bsk pants / Random shop top / Kenneth Cole shoes / Rommanel bracelets