As of the past week or so, there is an unbelievable scent that overwhelms me each time I skip out of my garage and head to work. And that is coming from a guy in desperate need of fixing his deviated septum. Seriously, I can't smell a thing most of the time.
The producer of said perfumey scent is my Clethra 'Hummingbird':
This deciduous shrub has been a top performer for me for years now. The deer leave it alone, it doesn't mind the wet feet and blooms profusely each and every July. But maybe the coolest thing about it is the way it attracts all sorts of critters to it when in bloom:
I've even captured a quick video to truly represent the bee party that goes on all day long:
Knowing how solid Clethra is in my garden, I finally made the smart decision to add even more shrubs this spring. Here is where those stand as we speak:
I am even enjoying the fact that 'Hummingbird' has started to sucker at the base of the plant:
Sucker away you beautiful thang. The more the merrier.
I plan on scouring the nurseries this fall for even more Clethra shrubs on the cheap.
I can't have enough of these gems.