{It's Casual}

By Whimofthesouth
Outfit: Top- Old Navy, Jeans- Old Navy, Flats- Target, Necklace- J.Crew, Flats- Target, Sunnies- Betsey Johnson 

I LOVE a good casual outfit that I can run errands in but still not be ashamed to say I'm a fashion major and run a blog in. The perfect combination for errands or for the top knot kind of look is always made up of a few key things; casual pants, a casual top, comfy flats, an up do, AND a fun necklace to top it off. Obviously the Starbucks was just an extra "accessory." I'm saying that because I probably couldn't survive without my daily coffee. The old navy striped boat neck tee was the perfect top for me to run around to do errands in and to complete me exit interview for graduation in December. Time is flying way too fast and there's no way to slow it down. There are so many things that I could peg to go... "wait is this all really happening?"During the stress of the last bit of school, the John Mayer Paradise Valley album is really getting me through. It's mellow but has so much rhythm to it. It just helps me to be level headed. You can thank my fiancé for getting me into his music. And by into...I mean addicted to it. When I'm not in the mood for my country music and need something to help me breathe...Mr. John Mayer himself is who I turn to. If you're the same as me and your school year actually has about three weeks left, hang in there! You can do this and then it's home free! 
