It's Beach Season, Time for Summer Sandals & Cover Ups

By Glasgow Skinner/ My Life On And Off The Guest List @guestlistblog
Summer is officially here and that means one thing - it's beach season! Time to plan those trips to the beach, the pool or any other body of water where you can relax, have fun and enjoy the weather. Of course this also means it's for swimsuits but it's not just about the swimsuits. Top off your look with some great coordinating shoes and cover ups to add that cool touch to your beach look. Eco-friendly scarf maker, Nepali by TDM Design and Jellypop Shoes, which features cool styles under $50.00, have perfect accessories for any beach/summer fashion.

Whether you go for a bold color or print to add a bit of "wow" to a solid colored swimsuit or play up your bathing suit's bold accents, you are sure to get something superb from these brands. Compliments will follow.