It’s Back to the Seventies for a Surprise Millionaire Moment!

Posted on the 10 March 2017 by Smallivy

If you do become wealthy, please don’t do as this man did. read about it on The Surprise Millionaires.

It’s Back to the Seventies for a Surprise Millionaire Moment!The Surprise Millionaires


Dateline 1972 – Nixon is in the White House, an odd burglary has just taken place at the Watergate Hotel, people are swaying to Robert Flack’s number one hit “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face” and a quiet man in Northern California stuns his friends and neighbors with his knack for playing the stock market…

Marin Independent Journal
December 21, 1972

Black Point Man Leaves A Fortune To The State

A retired restaurant worker with a knack for the stock market has left from $500,000 to $1 million to the State of California. George Louis Charpentier, who died Dec. 9 on a Novato street at the age of 70, retired from a Marin restaurant about 1952 after amassing a fortune in the stock market, according to his employer. Eugene Lochenbach of Eugene’s Restaurant in San Rafael said, “he was an outstanding mind on stocks, but he was tight…

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