It's All Elementary.

Posted on the 25 February 2014 by Jamesswezey
So I got back into the spirit of adventure with season 3 of Sherlock, which of course is produced by the talented folks at the BBC. There are many elements that I continue to enjoy about this series, one of which being the cast. Benedict Cumberbatch is the perfect, modern, whimsical, yet dramatic Sherlock Holmes; a little more ego driven, rude, and ridiculous than Jeremy Brett or Robert Downey Jr., but his performance compensates for those faults. Martin Freeman is a fantastic actor to watch perform, but I have to say that his Watson isn't that good. It always seems to come across that Watson is ineffective, wimpy, unintelligent, and rather dim witted than Arthur Conan wrote him, but it isn't horrible to watch. Mark Gatiss as Mycroft is wonderful balance to the cast, and has continued to do well since he appeared at the beginning of the 1st season. Him and Sherlock go at it on-screen with each other fantastically. There are some good secondary characters and cameos, but that's the main reason people watch. Plots aren't exactly as intricate and interesting as the originals, or even the recent films, but they are amusing enough and written relatively well to keep one's attention. Truthfully though, I would have written it in a different way. Oh well. Yes I have slackened in my review of the Oscar nominations, but life is what it is. So I have Best Hairstyling and Makeup tonight: Dallas Buyer's Club, Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa, and The Lone Ranger. Okay only the first nominee should be on this list and I will not comment on the other two; plain and simple Dallas Buyers Club should win it, and that's it. Watched the closing ceremony yesterday for the Sochi Olympics, and it was nice (aside from the irritating commentary from the obnoxious hosts). The Russians put on an excellent opening and a good close, even though President Putin was hard pressed to smile or even look interested during the closing ceremonies. I'm certain the President's mind was elsewhere, perhaps thinking of Russia's setbacks in the Ukraine, or the fact that they lost to the US in hockey. The Summer Olympics in Rio De Janeiro in 2016, and then South Korea in 2018 for Winter Olympics, and then Tokyo for Summer Olympics in 2020. That seems like such a long time away; six years from now. Hope everyone has a lovely week, and the Oscars are in less than a week; don't forget to inscribe March 2nd on the calendar.
Sherlock season 3 trailer
The Clone Wars: Lost Missions trailer(The show should have never been cancelled; big mistake by Disney & Lucasfilm)