It’s About Time Someone Played A Hidden Camera Prank In Public Bathrooms!

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Gizmodo reports that LG launched an experiment where it installed IPS displays at urinals to see if images of attractive women on screen could impact men’s ability to urinate.

From the article:

“The average delay in peeing was 16 seconds and that 26% of people who tried to pee with the IPS display in front of them couldn’t launch.”

You can view a video of the experiment by clicking here.

3 More Onscreen Images That May Affect Men’s Ability To Urinate

1. An image of a control room full of people laughing while secretly recording the man using a urinal.

2. The movie “Failure To Launch”. (We are basing this on the assumption that all men would want to immediately leave a bathroom showing a Sarah Jessica Parker romantic comedy.)

3. Videos of tech company CEOs explaining that their companies are not secretly giving your private information to the government, because they are too busy filming your privates in bathrooms.